What is beautiful? How do I know if I am beautiful? Do I judge by what I am on the inside? We all know that in our society that is the biggest line of bullshit. I love it when people say, "everyone is beautiful" and then to their horror I say, "no, everyone is not". I'm obviously not basing that on knowing someones inner beauty because at first glace one can not tell such a thing.
For example lets say you walk into a bar. Usually most of the people I know including myself do not look at the 300 pound guy with the mullet style hair and say "wow, he is really beautiful". Our first reaction is to judge someone based on their looks. Another example being most single guys I know would totally sleep with the "beautiful girl with no brains" as opposed to the girl with the "beautiful personality". This is of course usually initial attraction because I also know that most guys are looking for more than just a pretty face when it comes to anything long term. Notice how I did not say they aren't looking for a pretty face. They are looking for a pretty face and then some.
I guess externally I do not think everyone is beautiful and I know beauty is so subjective but I want to know, physically what is beautiful to you??
I have a long list of things I find beautiful, but the first two things that come to mind: (1) men with bedroom eyes and (2) Indian women. They always look so beautiful, especially when they're wearing their native dress of a sari.
But anyone who says that looks don't matter is bullsh*tting you.
btw, your roomie looks like such a cutie!
I totally agree with you about people saying looks don't matter!!
My roomie is fabulous? You know any single mo's for him??
Yeah, looks matter. Alot.
It definitly gets you in the door for relationships, jobs, and other opportunities.
Anyone that says otherwise is obviously lying their butt off.
Being honest is better than being nice. It's more appreciated.
So very true! Can I quote you on that the next time someone tells me I'm mean?
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