Are they sexy?? I'm not talking about emotional wounds or any of that serious deep thought right now. I'm talking about real, raw, battle scars. Is it a sign of adventure? Do scars prove that someone lives life and accidentally got hurt (hopefully accidental) or are they a reminder of all the pain you endured while getting the scar.
I'm know I'm about to have a scar and while all I can remember at this point is how angry I was when I saw the box cutter, there is the plus side of coning the doctor in prescribing just about 20 more Darvocets than necessary.
So I ask you what do you think about scars???
I'm know I'm about to have a scar and while all I can remember at this point is how angry I was when I saw the box cutter, there is the plus side of coning the doctor in prescribing just about 20 more Darvocets than necessary.
So I ask you what do you think about scars???