Today I had my first prenatal appointment! Today was the day I had been anticipating for two weeks now and today was the first day I was able to relax and get excited.
I was really nervous last night about this appointment for some reason. I just had a million thoughts running through my head. I had a great dinner with an old co-worker and good friend. She is seriously the best cook I've ever known and when we worked together, she would give me the best recipes and ideas for what to cook. I was so happy when I found out that she made her famous mashed potatoes. I seriously at them all! I hung out with her and got all caught up on Big Love. The Emmy's were on and thank god for Tivo because they were so boring this year!
So this morning I get up, got ready, and left the house with butterflies in my stomach. I didn't really feel the need to have anyone go with me for this appointment. I mean I did and was going to but then the plans changed and I realized that maybe it was best to go to this one alone. I got there, filled out paperwork and waited for my name to be called. "Renita", the lady called. "Ren-ata", I always correct back! The first dreaded thing they have me to is take my weight. I hate being weighed at the doctors office. I mean I never weigh myself at home and usually if I can pass it at the doctors office, I do! I mean I'd so much rather go by my size and how my clothes look than my stupid weight. Anyways it wasn't really that bad and I'm sure that's probably because I've had a hard time eating lately. The next thing they do is take another urine sample. I think that made for my 50th prego test now!!
The nurse that did all the testing brought me into my room to wait for the nurse practitioner. The first thing I noticed as I sat down was this big packet full of information for pregnant woman. There were a few books but I just looked at them. I didn't dare pick anything up. I guess maybe the part of me that was in shock was still present because I still thought the nurse could come in and tell me I wasn't pregnant. Needless to say, that didn't happen!
As the woman walked in, I immediately liked her. She just looked like the kind of woman I would like. I'd say late 30's, well put together but not so perfect that I'd hate her later on when I start to feel "fat". She introduced herself and then went over everything with me. I was assigned a doctor and got to chose my hospital. I knew my friend Jehne would be happy to know that I picked Fairview Southdale over Abbott Northwestern.
After she went over everything that she needed to with me, she did an exam. I think I will forever hate those exams for the rest of my life! I was happy when she said that everything looked good. She ruled out a ectopic pregnancy so that was like one battle down. Because of the fact that my cycle has always been so irregular she wanted to do an ultrasound just to verify exactly how far along I was. I drew blood and thought I was done.
As I went to schedule my ultrasound, the ultrasound tech was right there and said that she had some time to do it now. I got a little nervous but welcomed the opportunity to not have to come back again that week. The tech was really sweet. I like her too.
I guess I'm still on a cloud from seeing the ultrasound today. I was able to see something inside my body. It just looked like a dot but it instantly made everything so real! She took pictures and printed them out. I just couldn't believe that there was a baby forming inside me! We found out that there is only one sac so no twins!!
I felt excited today. Almost like an instant connection to something living inside me. Today this journey I have ahead didn't feel so overwhelming. I even heard from my Mom today and that made me feel good as well. My Dad is still upset but I'm sure in time, he will come around.
Congrats again!!!!! How cool! Baby's first pic! I'm sure if daddy looks like Gavin Newsom, he/she will be a little hottie!
Thanks and lol!!!
BTW - This child will be a hottie b/c of me:)
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