I have to start off by saying this has been the highlight of my weekend and hopefully this highlight will stick around!
On Thursday I was taking the tram to go pick up a friend at the airport. It was about 9pm and as I approached the door to get onto the tram, I immediately looked for a spot where I should enter. The tram was wall to wall covered with my biggest enemy; purple people eater fans. Yes the Vikings were playing so not only were there tons of fans in the signature purple and gold jerseys but tons of little purple people eater fans running around everywhere. So I just got on and hoped that I would find a place to stand.
Sure enough I had to stand by the door and there was nowhere for me to hold onto the rail. I ended up holding on to the glass that separated the entrance and where people sat. As I reached my hand onto the glass I noticed two purple people eater fans. These fans were different. I saw myself being more forgiving with these fans as I caught eyes with one and smiled. My phone started ringing and it was my friend who was all worried about who I was picking up at the airport so yes I became one of those annoying people on their cell phone in a crowded pubic place.
At this point I couldn’t even hear my friend and I didn’t really care because I kept locking eyes with the enemy sitting down. I felt a poke at my hand and just thought maybe someone accidentally bumped up against my hand but then in happened three more times. I realized then, that it was obviously on purpose and as cute as those guys were it started to bother me. So with my cell phone in hand as I’m chatting away, I leaned over to the guys and say, “Just for that, the Vikings are going to lose in the fourth quarter”. They both started laughing and I went back to my conversation. All of the sudden I feel another tap on my hand and so I leaned back over and he was pointing at my sleeve. The first thing I thought is, “Oh great, I left the tag on my jacket” so I looked at my sleeve only to find a business card.
“Thank you” I say smiling. I looked at the card, read his name, title, company and all I could hear in my head was “Jake, Jake, Jake…he’d look even better in blue and orange. Yeah he’s convertible”. I placed the card in my purse and as distracted as I know was, I kept talking to my friend. I thought maybe I should find out which one Jake was. Of course I was hoping Jake was the one that was “my type”. The best ego boost would have been for Jake to be the one with those baby blue eyes, thick dark hair, 6’2, with a great build but he had to be the one with the girlfriend, right? The other guy was not bad looking but he was a bit older with a completely bald head and bright red cheeks. At first glance, he appeared like he would be a lot of fun. I decided to lean back in toward them and I asked, “Which one is Jake”? The jolly one responded by pointing toward Jake. It was awesome!!!
They both got off one stop before I did so I got to smell Jake as he was leaving and walked by me. He smelled good too. “Have a good night” he said as I smiled watching him exit. I even saw him do a double take before he went down the stairs.
I have to say that was a creative way for him to give me his number. The nice thing about a business card is that it eliminates the employment question and I already know what he does. It just seemed so refreshing from the whole meeting someone online or getting hooked up through a friend. Plus obviously the attraction is there on his part. I guess now it’s just up to me to respond. Hmm…
Hey, I know this doesn't have to do with any thing you just posted, but, just letting you know my post about that fat kid, wan't against fat kids. just that kid, I mean that little fatty was eating a whole thing of buffalo wings, ne way not that it matters but your blog was the one that i said was the only good one. Take it easy...
Well thank you. That is such a great compliment and yeah I hear ya about that kid. I just thought I'd share my lil sumthing sumthing with ya!!
I love reading your blogs too!
Wait, I'm confused... which one was Jake? The bald guy or the cute one with blue eyes?
Geesh, how come stuff like that never happens to me?
lol Valley I must have been having an "on" day. And Jake was the cute one with the blue eyes:)
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