Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Last night Hill surprised us all and proved that experience along with a proven track record do count!! I get so excited when I see Bill campaigning with her because in a way I feel like we will get two in one when she's elected.

I would love nothing more than for my daughter to not be fazed by a woman president. She will not even know about limitiations due to being a female.


*Ren* said...

P.S. It would also be wonderful for my daughter to not be fazed by a black man as president. I just dont' like Obama as much as I love Bill and like Hillary:)

Brianinmpls said...

I just want to be Hillary's intern

*Ren* said...

Why do you think I volunteer at Hill's headquarters in Mpls. I'm all about Bill slipping up again:)

Dem Soldier said...

It was a great not only for her, but for the shown the world we have very good 3 potential presidential running for office...that's freaking great. And it was great to see the face one of my friends who's big-time righty...almost puke what was happening last time...Good for hillary, Dems, bad night was the GOP and Faux News. Great.

Brian's MILF attraction...:)..N I just want to be Hillary's (Huma Abedin)intern's intern.....

Read here about her
